
Right or Wrong?

Can a committee member win the award that the committee has gathered to vote on?


When I’m doing a coaching clinic, or breaking down infield play, we first review the steps an infielder takes AFTER fielding a ground ball.

No Excuses

Today, let’s highlight one of my favorite rules to life. One that I personally try very hard to follow, one that I use daily in my role as a parent, and one that I work very hard to enforce as a coach: NO EXCUSES

No Whining

It’s time for Rule #2 of the Big Three: NO WHINING

No Complaining

Taking a tour of the Big 3 in behavioral leadership, let’s example Rule #3: NO COMPLAINING


Let’s take the liberty to say M-I-S-S… T-A-K-E-S. As in, you missed on that take. Might have been a swing, might have been a throw… might have been an interview question, class final, or asking someone special to the prom. The fact of the matter is that it didn’t go well.


Get physical. Ground up. It’s all in the hips. Yep, they’re all true. We need ballplayers to be physical. We need to teach aggression. We need them to MOVE the baseball…


In our last Daily Dose, we discussed the keys of the Power Position. Moving around the body, there are four teaching points to the loaded, power, position


Truly, they are the same. The hitter and pitcher movement is the same. It’s about a baseball player using the body to make a ball move. It’s back to front, front to arms. Back leg, to front leg… front leg, to arms. It’s loading into the backside only to explode forward.

Ethics Matter

The ABCA convention is an awesome weekend. Let’s start with the first meeting I had on Thursday, the Ethics Committee. Each year, we select a winner for the Dave Keilitz Ethics in Coaching Award. It’s a really special meeting, and a room that I feel blessed to be inside of.