Work Proactively
How do business, baseball, and life work the same?
How do business, baseball, and life work the same?
Imagine a world of training when our kids are old. This might be the biggest game-changer I learned of at the ABCA.
More and more, I hear/read/see the word FEEL in online influencers language. To understand and progress, athletes need to feel their way into improvement. I actually agree wholeheartedly. And I believe it helps to support something that I’ve used for almost 20 years of coaching pitchers…
First, the bases. This is the old-school method, gather-round a base, and get to work. Then, line up and try it. Most teams under the age of 14 can get away with this because there are 12 or fewer athletes. Here’s the MANDATORY trick if you intend to be a certified coach…
In our last Daily Dose, we discussed the concept of Routines. And we tried to take the tangible out of the intangible with regard to goal setting. Today, I’d like to PROVE the importance of routines by sharing the case study of the 2019 Cypress Chargers. Fall ball just ended, and while I’m not in uniform this year… I was last year.
Every now and then you just gotta hit. Whether it’s a 4-practice “mix up” or a 10-practice full-fledged-fun itinerary, consider the Offense-Only practice plan.
POP! to the POWER POSITION. Baseball’s best alliteration.
Remove the overthinking mind from the batter’s box. It’s not welcome there!
Well, this is one way to work towards a Swing, Swing, Stop approach. Today, let’s dive into what that means.
True confidence can only be earned through tough times… and even failure!