
Leads & Breaks

Leads & Breaks is involves sprint work infused with leadoff fundamentals, as well as the practice of reading pitchers and working on steal breaks.

How To Coach: The Crow Hop

Outfield drill to teach fundamentals of Crow Hop. FIELD – outside glove-side foot, STEP / STEP – take two extra steps, CROW HOP to opposite foot for throwing.

How To Coach: Pitching #4

Session #4 of DC’s How to Coach Pitching Series. Athletes should be familiar with (1) Balance (2) Power (3) Finish (4) Distance & (5) Direction concluding THIS session.

How To Coach: Pitching #3

Lesson #3 in How To Coach Pitching. Focus = Power Position (#2). Review Balance (#1) and Finish (#3) before adding rules to Power Position (#2).