Wiffle Cricket
Early activity drill involving two throw down bases and 360* field. Athletes hit wiffle balls – defenders make play, everyone rotates. Clean hit, athlete earns points and hits again.
Early activity drill involving two throw down bases and 360* field. Athletes hit wiffle balls – defenders make play, everyone rotates. Clean hit, athlete earns points and hits again.
Hitting drill run as Early Activity or Station Instruction. Allows multiple hitters to hit at same time and easily entertains 6-12 athletes. One coach throws to one, two, or three hitters
Fun drill to encourage aggression. Swing hard and THROUGH the water balloon!
Drill helps to train & develop a short path to the ball. Fights a drooping barrel. Doing these help young hitters catch up to good fastballs.
Teach how to get hit (drop, turn, tuck) and/or help an athlete that is scared of getting hit (teach, alternate, random).
A scrimmage is a time for kids to put the hard work into action, and experience the pressure of competition.
Reinforce bunting fundamentals with a points competition. Cones for point lanes, two teams compete.
Olympics Competition drill for the Hitting Station. Essentially a Home Run Derby with a twist. Set up in outfield with defense positioned over-the-fence.
Hitting competition drill involved two small teams defending the goal. Each athlete swings six times at soft-tossed wiffle balls earning points for goals scored. Everyone hits and switch sides – play two+ innings.
Live BP covers field use and set up for offensive portion of workout – Batting Practice!! Tee / Soft Toss / Wiffle / Cages / Live on field / Shag / Baserunning